Geologists have a saying: rocks remember – Neil Armstrong.
Geologist, Conservationist, Educator
Melissa Connely PG 4049
My name is Melissa Connely. I have been the co-owner of Stratigraphic rex LLC, a consulting company serving Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota since 2006. Our services provide mitigating paleontology through surveys and research, fossil preparation with a dedicated lab, and educational experiences.
I have a Master of Science Degree in Geology from Utah State University specializing in stratigraphy and paleoecology and was a geology instructor at a local college for 20 years. As a consultant, I have 25+ years of experience in paleontology including fossil excavations, fossil preparation, research, museum management, and education. Published works primarily focus on Mesozoic vertebrates. I am current with MSHA training and a professional geologist with the state of Wyoming.
Paleontological Surveys
We provide pedestrian surveys for construction projects on BLM land.
We provide research on fossil collections and historical and new fossil finds.
Fossil Preparation and Restoration
Fossil preparation for vertebrate specimens in the newly built Green Dragon Fossil Prep Lab. Specializing in Mesozoic and Cenozoic vertebrates.
Expeditions and Tours
Due to Covid-19, all tours have been suspended until further notice!
If you have something in mind that isn’t described in these pages, let me know and we will see what we can do to accommodate your interests.